1982 surge of Variegated Glacier of Alaska
Thrust Block and Push Moraine
Thrust Block moraines – composite ridges & hill hole pairs
Two ice-marginal settings
- Margins of surging glaciers
- Sub-polar glacier margins in permafrost terrain
Proglacial thrusting – rapid advance into proglacial sediments
(seasonally frozen, unfrozen or contain discontinuous permafrost)
Proglaciacially thrust unfrozen materal – surge margins of Icelandic Glacier (Bruarjokull & Eyjabakkajokull)
Thrust block moraines – constructional feature produced by surging glacier, sufficient sediment available for glacitectonic thrusting, folding and stacking
Over-ridden thrust block moraines
Ice-moulded hills in the proglacial forelands of bruarjokull and Eyjabakkajokul – downice of topographic depressions from which the hills were displaced by thrusting
Surface features – fluted/drumlinized
Internal structure – glacitectonized outwash or lake sediments, tops of which modified into glacitectonite
Ice-moulded hills – over-ridden thrust block moraines
Thrust block moraines demarcates the former glacier margin during a
prolonged period of modification by over-riding ice – thrust block moraines resemble cupola hills of aber
Concertina Eskers
Sinuous eskers and concertina plan-form eskers
(Knudsen) – concertina eskers are produced by shortening of pre-surge sinuous eskers deformed by extreme tectonic activity & vertical thickening – concertina plan form
Crevasse-squeezed ridge
Bruarjokull & eyjabakkajokul,
Trapridge glacier & donjek Glacier –
Tectonics experienced during surge – glacier is highly fractured and crevasses may extend to the glacier bed
- Forelands of many glaciers
- Evidence of rapid advances over substantial distances foreland of Bruarjokull (regularly spaced parallel-sided flutings)
- Numerous Boulders with short sediment prows/flutes on their downflow sides interpreted as ploughs/incipent flutes produced by boulders embedded in glacier ice
- Elongation of the flutes suggest, formed during a single flow event when the basal water pressures & degree of ice-bed coupling remained shorter & much less uniform in Section
- Flutings & crevasse squeezed ridges – aspect of subglacial geomorphology of surging glaciers
Thrusting & squeezing
Zone of thrusting in the snout, lifted from the bed, thrusting in surging glaciers, supraglacial sediment
Low-relief hummocky moraine comprising interbedded sediment gravity flows & crudely bedded stratified sediments
Small ridges, thrust intersected the bed
Hummocky moraine
Subsequent ice-stagnation of widespread & effective transportation of large volumns of material
Lowland surging glaciers – thrusting is dominant process in transporting large volumns of debris into englacial and supraglacial position
Successive surges – over-riding, overthrusting, incorporation of debris rich stagnant ice, preserved from a previous surge, producing thick sequences of debris rich & debris covered ice in surging snout
Landform assemblage
Hummocky moraine ridge
Kettle & kames topography
Differentiated from over-ridden thrust block moraine by extensive evidence of on-going meltout of buried ice
Ice cored outwash & glacilacustrine sediments
Variagated glacier surge – outbursts of supraglacial water
Landsystem model for surging glacier
Based on combination of observations from contemporary surging glacier margin & published literature
Geomorphic & sedimentological signature of glacier
Geomorphology – 3 overlapping zones
· Outer zone : of thrust block & push moraines weakly consolidated presurge sediments
Structurally – major thrust block moraine restricted to topographic depression large enough to collect sufficient sediment during the quiescent phases
· Intermediate Zone: patchy hummocky moraine located on the down-glacier sides of topographic depression, draped on ice proximal slopes of thrust block moraines & push moraines
Hummocky moraines – intensely glacitectonized fine grained stratified sediments & diamictions or poorly sorted gravels – products of thrusting, squeezing & bulldozing
· Inner Zone – subglacial deformation tills & low amplified flutings produced by sub-hole deformation during the surge
Crevasse-squeezed ridges, documenting the filling of basal crevasses, concertina eskers
Palimsets & outer surges (overridden moraines)
Proglacial outwash fans & streams (ice-cored collapsed outwash)
Ponded topographic depression on the foreland (collapsed lake
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